Cocoon Update Version 1.17b

Salam. Bankrup, bankrup juga, tapi blog kena update juga kan?!
Seperti mana yang anda lihat, gambar di atas ialah e-mel dari Admin Cocoon berkenaan dengan permintaan Mr.Hac untuk nota rilis Cocoon versi 1.17b. Bagaimanapun, seperti versi sebelumnya, ia cuma dikemaskini selepas dua minggu! Ah..lamanya!

Jadi apapun kita cuba lihat pembaharuan pada versi sebelumnya iaitu 1.17a:

When trying to login, multiple proxy possibilites are checked, each one for 10 seconds.

The order and number of proxies tried for login are optimized for on and offshore cases.

Increased startup speed, execution speed.

Fixed a bug where some URLs would not open in the downloader.

Fixed a bug which prevented some features of Hotmail (and other sites) from working.

Allow the plugin to work with Firefox versions upto and including 9.

Increased compliancy with modern proxy configurations.

Fixed a bug where certain URLs could bypass the proxy.

Ability to cancel authentication by pressing the power button.

Dalam kes anda terlepas entri Mr.Hac yang lepas, Cocoon ialah Addon pelayar Firefox yang dicipta untuk melepasi sekatan internet, melindungi sambungan internet anda dari virus, malware dan spyware serta penggodam, serta meningkatkan privasi dalam pelayaran internet anda.

Cocoon juga boleh digabungkan dengan Flashgot dan DownThemAll. Anda mahu cara melajukan DownThemAll? Sila klik pautan di sebelah -> Cara Melajukan DownThemAll.

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Dengan rilisnya versi 1.17b ini, Mr.Hac yakin lebih banyak pembaharuan telah dilakukan oleh Team Cocoon. Cuma nota rilis untuk versi ini kena tunggu dululah ya!

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Arya Putra
Arya Putra
A regular tech blogger who have passions for cats. I will not put my trust on anybody who hated them, doesn't matter if they are my friends or family. I have a dream where I am the owner of a Cat Cafe. Help me achieve it by hiring me as your reviewer. For any review inquiries, you can contact me at

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