Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera.
Adakah anda seorang kaki torrent yang tegar? Jika ya. Mungkin anda pernah dengar atau terbaca akan kebolehan Tixati yang tersembunyi. Sejak akhir-akhir ini keperluan untuk mendapatkan barang ‘crack’ melalui laman perkongsian fail agak susah gara-gara hebohnya akan akta sekatan kebebasan di internet. Siapa yang tidak kenal akan akta SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)? Akta ini yang berjaya menggemparkan seluruh pelusuk dunia. Tapi sekarang sunyi sepi. Tapi bagi rakyat Malaysia anda masih tidak boleh gembira lagi kerana dengar khabar ada satu akta yang digubal oleh kerajaan Malaysia. Seksyen 114A Akta Keterangan 2012 diberi nama. Tujuan akta ini ialah sama seperti SOPA iaitu menyekat kebebasan belayar di alam maya.
Teruskan kepada tujuan sebenar kita iaitu mengenai Tixati. Daripada pemerhatian wa tentang Tixati ini. Wa mendapati Tixati merupakan sebuah ‘torrent client’ yang terbaik. Tanpa memerlukan sebarang aplikasi booster (bantuan kelajuan seperti Utorrent Booster) ataupun ‘tweak’ (merubah apa-apa seperti tutorial menambah kelajuan pada Utorrent yang di bicara hampir di seluruh pelusuk dunia melalui perantaraan blog dan laman sosial).
Tixati juga sudah mengeluarkan versinya yang terbaru iaitu versi 1.91. Lupa untuk diingatkan cross-platform/multi-platform yang dinyatakan disini ialah hanya disediakan untuk sistem operasi Windows dan Linux sahaja. Satu kerugian untuk mereka yang menggunakan sistem operasi Mac OS.
Mari kita lihat ciri-ciri atau kelebihan pada torrent client Tixati versi 1.91:-
- extremely large transfers containing up to 50,000 individual files can be processed smoothly
- transfers with very high piece counts (hundreds of thousands) are fully functional
- extended meta-info size limits and improved meta-info download and upload algorithms
- DHT IPv6 query rate-limiting is now much more accurate, compensates for wide 6to4 ranges
- better overall DHT flood-protection heuristics to prevent wasting outgoing bandwidth
- piece selection algorithm now compensates for de-selected files on remote peers
- more permissive magnet link processing that tolerates encoding errors and bad attributes
- new transfer filename processing handles overly-long names much better, avoids creating duplicates
- improved peer connection/disconnection algorithms, shorter early retry delays under high demand
- seeding ratio/count stop is now delayed until any active move/alloc/checking completes
- better shell file and link association control
- main bandwidth graphs now display channel traffic in a different color
- chat views can now have their font changed separately (Settings> User Interface > Fonts)
- freshly gathered channels are displayed in a distinct color
- incoming private messages show the time received in the window caption and text tooltip
- outgoing channel streams can be created from a .ts or .mp3 file (create a channel and type /streamout)
- full-featured playlist interface for outgoing streaming that can be used to create a regular schedule
- outgoing stream hashing is now 5x faster on 64-bit Windows machines, matching Linux performance
- outgoing stream file hashing can be pre-cached, greatly reducing CPU requirements to originate streams
- more intelligent connection rotation algorithms that better account for channel streams
- channel permission issuance has much longer time to live, easing maintenance on large channels
- better stream playback scheduling to smooth out hiccups on some older media players
- further RSS compatibility fixes to support feeds that are severly broken or misconfigured
- IP-Location tables have been updated from all five regional registries, up to 2012-08-09
- numerous optimizations have been done in the GUI, greatly reducing flicker and CPU usage
- many other minor fixes and improvements have been made throughout the program