Tonton Hulu Dari Luar US Secara Percuma (2)

Artikel terdahulu : Tonton Hulu Dari Luar US Secara Percuma

Anda suka melayari internet? Suka menonton video di laman penstriman video, tetapi malangnya anda tidak dapat melakukannya kerana terlebih dahulu disekat oleh laman web tersebut kerana ia khas untuk penduduk dari US sahaja.

Oleh itu anda pasti akan suka kepada Hola Unblocker. Jadi apa itu Hola Unblocker?

Ini adalah apa yang saya salin dari laman web rasminya:

What is the Hola Unblocker? 

Content services (music, video) often require that you be a resident of a certain country to use them, and attempt to enforce this with geographical blocking according to your device’s IP. This can be frustrating for a registered user of a service that happens to be travelling outside his or her country of residence.  

In the TV world, solutions for this problem included SlingBox, which enabled you to see your TV while abroad. For the Internet – there is Hola.
The Hola Unblocker enables you to see your local content from anywhere in the world — available as a Chrome/Firefox extension or as a Windows client install that works with any browser. Please note that Hola does not relieve you from reading and complying with the terms of use of each of the services that you are using. 

If your Government or corporation is censoring you from using a site like Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc., you can use the Hola unblocker client for Windows to avoid this censorship and freely use these sites.

Saya pendekkan cerita, Hola Unblocker menggunakan proksi sebagai medium untuk anda menggunakan laman web yang menspesifikkan kepada kedudukan geolokasi seperti dan yang seantero dengannya.

Hola Unblocker dapat digunakan pada pelbagai platform dan pelayar web. Anda boleh muat turun dan ‘kaji’ sendiri Hola Unblocker pada laman webnya di sini :

Klik -> Hola Unblocker

Beberapa paparan skrin yang sempat saya ambil:

Arya Putra
Arya Putra
A regular tech blogger who have passions for cats. I will not put my trust on anybody who hated them, doesn't matter if they are my friends or family. I have a dream where I am the owner of a Cat Cafe. Help me achieve it by hiring me as your reviewer. For any review inquiries, you can contact me at [email protected]

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