Mobile Legends Mengeluarkan Kenyataan Rasmi Berhubung Dakwaan Imitasi

Pembangun permainan telefon pintar Android – Mobile Legends, Shanghai Moontoon Technology baru-baru ini telah mengeluarkan kenyataan dengan menafikan dakwaan berhubung imitasi reka bentuk permainan tersebut yang menyamai antaramuka ‘League of Legends’.

Berikut adalah kenyataan tersebut yang diposkan di laman Facebook mereka.

“Mobile Legends is a MOBA game that is developed by Moonton independently, and its copyright has already been registered and protected in multiple countries all over the world. Moonton has independent intellectual property rights. 

Mobile Legends and all the users will not be affected by these unreal reports and we will keep providing the best gameplay experience to players all over the world. 

Meanwhile, for some media and competitors who have spread the unreal information and rumors against us, we reserve the right to protect ourselves and pursue legal actions.”

Menurut mereka (Moontoon), mengatakan bahawa permainan Mobile Legends telah dibangunkan secara bebas dan persendirian serta telah mendaftar hak cipta ke atas permainan tersebut.

Mereka juga dalam masa yang sama memberi amaran kepada para pesaing dan media dari menyebarkan ‘informasi palsu’ berhubung dakwaan itu sehinggalah ia diselesaikan.

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Sumber: Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

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Arya Putra
Arya Putra
A regular tech blogger who have passions for cats. I will not put my trust on anybody who hated them, doesn't matter if they are my friends or family. I have a dream where I am the owner of a Cat Cafe. Help me achieve it by hiring me as your reviewer. For any review inquiries, you can contact me at

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