Jabatan Pertahanan U.S.A, Pentagon, NASA, NSA Telah Diceroboh Oleh Penggodam

Berita di TV3 malam semalam telah membuat Hac bergegas mencari maklumat..

Nampaknya, sistem Jabatan Pertahanan negara yang menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai ‘Polis Dunia‘ tidaklah begitu hebat seperti yang selalu diwar-warkan..seorang hacker bernama ‘sl1nk‘ telah menceroboh masuk ke dalam sistem pertahanan US dan agensi-agensi yang lain..ikuti laporan penuh di bawah..

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sl1nk mendakwa beliau telah mempunyai akses ke laman-laman berikut:

1. SSH access to a Network of 140 machine’s layer 1 to 3 in the Pentagon
2. Access to APACS (Automated Personel Air Clearance System)
3. Thousand’s of documents ranging from seizure of a vehicle up to private encryption key request forms.
4. Database of all usernames/passwords of Webmail of Nasa.
5. Access to ASSIST (Database for Military Specifications and Military Standards)
6. Data Transformation Corporation’s FAA Sponsored DUAT Service
7. Access to Government Gateway at http://www.gateway.gov.uk/
8. Access to applicationmanager.gov
9. Login access to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
10. Login to Central Data Exchange | US EPA

sl1nk juga mendakwa beliau mempunyai akses SSH (Secure Shell) terhadap IP/Server berikut dan telah disahkan oleh THN Team (The Hacker News):

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Area 54 : –

Department of the Navy, Space and Naval Warfare System Command : –

Pentagon, Nasa, Navy, NSA : IP= , IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP= , IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=

dan banyak lagi!!

Lagi bukti penggodaman:

User: COM502571
Pass: C*************g@@
system access code: 0016***9
password: F*****1
Agent Name: Corie Lee
User ID: 1152****652
Pass: **************
Your User ID is: 437067167597
Password: cl**********3d
User: administratorbackup
Pass: fu********l@
User: JCrimson
Pass: M*********0n
User: Adminbackup
Pass: g*********7

Bukti Video, enjoy! :

Bukti Dokumen:

Sumber berita diambil daripada : The Hacker News

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Arya Putra
Arya Putrahttps://omghackers.com/
A regular tech blogger who have passions for cats. I will not put my trust on anybody who hated them, doesn't matter if they are my friends or family. I have a dream where I am the owner of a Cat Cafe. Help me achieve it by hiring me as your reviewer. For any review inquiries, you can contact me at arya@omghackers.com

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